Silkwarm Farming: Your Diamond Opportunity for High Profits in Agriculture

Technique of raising silkworms and harvesting silk from them is known as sericulture

The star of sericulture is the Bombyx mori larva, the coveted silkworm behind premium silk production. 

Additional varieties of silkworms, including  Eri, Muga, and Tasar 

Types and colors  

1.Mulberry Silk  is in Yellow/Green Eri Silk is in Creamy-White/Brick-Red

Types and colors  

3.Tasar Silk is in Copper-Brown 4.Muga Silk is in Golden

Costing per acre

Mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing on one acre of irrigated land can cost Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 15,000. 


This can yield a net income up to Rs. 3 lakhs per acre annually, significantly higher than traditional crops.

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